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Polish: 75 Core Words

neon sign in korean

Use these core words to create your first simple sentences in Polish. Read the word, the translation and see the example sentences to see how the words are used. Have fun!

Hint: Polish uses feminine, masculine and neuter, requiring agreement. Polish also has a plural “you” (wy). Don’t forget that verbs are conjugated differently for I/you/we/they/he/she/it/you plural, but we’ll just cover the verb endings for “I” (ja) here, in present form. Polish grammar is pretty complicated, so we’ll just keep things simple here for this exercise.

Social Words

yes - tak

no/not - nie

thank you - dziękuję

please - prosze

hello - czesc

good-bye - do widzenia


I/me - ja

my - mój

you - ty/wy

it - to

he - on

she - ona

we - my

they - oni

Question Words

what - co

when - kiedy

where - gdzie

who - kto

why - dlaczego

how - jak


I am - ja jestem

I do/make - ja robię

I can - mogę

I have - mam

I go - idę

I stop - przestaję

I look - patrzę

I open - otwieram

I close - zamykam

I eat - jem

I drink - piję

I help - pomagam

I want - chcę

I need - potrzebuję

I tell - mówię

I know - ja wiem

I come - przychodzę

I read - czytam

I think - myślę

I work - pracuję

I play - gram

I give - daję

I wait - czekam

Descriptive words

more - więcej

one - jeden

two - dwa

three - trzy

big - duża

little - mały

fast - szybki

slow - wolny

same - to samo

different - różne

beautiful - piękny

red - czerwony

blue - niebieski

yellow - żółty

good - dobry

new - nowy

old - stary

happy - zadowolony

sad - smutny

very - bardzo


at - w

on - na

under - pod


this - ten

that - że

some - niektóre

all - wszyscy


and - i

but - ale


now - teraz

here - tutaj

there - tam


chcę czytać. I want to read.

Gdzie on jest? Where is he?

On tam jest. He is there.

Kim jesteś? Who are you?

Kiedy będziemy jeść? When are we going to eat?

Co chcesz do picia? What do you want to drink?

Daj mi to proszę. Give me that please.

Idę tam teraz. I’m going there now.

Wszystkie są czerwone. All are red.

Nie wiem. I don’t know.

Dziękuję Ci! Do widzenia! Thank you! Goodbye!

Have fun making your first Polish sentences and share your sentences with us on Instagram! Tag us @languagetvclub. Or send us an email at

If you find any errors in this post, please contact me by email and let me know ASAP so I can correct it. Thank you!

If you're way past the core words phase, think about joining us for Polish TV Club. I'd love to see you there!

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