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Shoutout to these Amazing Small Language Businesses

At Polyglot Station, we believe that language learning should be engaging and enjoyable. That's why we want to give a special shoutout to two small businesses, Roxxem and Speak in Spades, who share our vision to make language learning fun. They are also proud sponsors of Language FunFest, our upcoming language learning event. As a small business, it is difficult to know how to reach the people who could really benefit from your services. So take this Small Business Saturday to check out these two small language businesses, give them a like and a share and consider using their services!

small business shoutout graphic with roxxem and speak in spades logos

The first business I want to share with you today is Roxxem. I'm not sure how I stumbled upon this new app, but I am glad I did. They've found a way to help you learn through music by providing you with songs at your level and helping you to learn the meanings behind the lyrics. You also have the chance to practice what you've learned with fun games so that you don't forget a single word.

Since I first downloaded this app, Roxxem has already made a lot of improvements, so you know that they want to create the best learning experience possible for you and make sure that their method is effective and fun. Their founders continue to ask for feedback from learners to make sure that they are creating what YOU need in order to learn languages with music.

I totally recommend giving this app a try. You may come across a song you've never heard before or finally understand those lyrics you've been singing for months.

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Have fun learning a new language with music! Rock out to hit songs in Spanish, French, and Chinese. Learn words and phrases in context with interactive lessons, then practice what you learned with fun study games. Supercharge your listening skills in as little as five minutes a day. Play for free on Apple, Android, and Web.

The second small language business I want to bring to your attention today is Speak in Spades. This business helps you bring language-learning into fun activities you already enjoy, such as card games, puzzles and journals.

Tiara, the founder and "Card Master" of Speak in Spades, LLC, has been putting a fun spin on language learning for a long time. She believes that your interests are your best language resources, and I agree! I got a sneak peek of her presentation at Language FunFest and I have to say that her method is creative, fun and interesting!

Speak in Spades also co-hosts speaking challenges, such as their current challenge, Language Blizzard. Reach out on Instagram for more information about this challenge.

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"Who said acing a language had to be boring?" At Speak in Spades, we believe that you CAN have it all: fun language resources, including playing cards, journals, and puzzle books, that you can use to build a variety of important skills YOUR way. Take our personality quiz to find your unique language learning style and get loads of activity ideas to try on our website:

We hope you've had a chance to learn about two small language businesses who are doing amazing things! Please take a minute to visit their website or download their app or resources. Not only will you be supporting small businesses who just want to help people learn languages, but you'll also have some great new ways to learn!

If you're interested in seeing more of these wonderful businesses, they will both be presenting at Language FunFest!

This event will take place December 1-3 online. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with language enthusiasts, attend language workshops, and experience the joy of learning languages. You can even have a chance to get free access to some of their products through the Super Language Fun Pack (offered after you sign up for your free ticket)! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!

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